Max Gladstone
Legal name: Gladstone, Max
Birth place: Concord, MA, USA
Birth date: 28 May 1984
Language: English
Bibliographic comments: Only genre titles written in collaboration with Amal El-Mohtar are listed here.
Biographic comments:
Short fiction chapbooks
This Is How You Lose the Time War
with Amal El-Mohtar
Library edition: July 2019, 1st edition, 1st printing
Saga Press
ISBN 978-1-5344-3100-3
Hardcover, 198 pages
$19.99 / C$26.99
• Winner of the 2019 BSFA Award for Best Short Fiction, the 2020 Aurora Award for Best Short Fiction and the 2020
Hugo, Nebula and Locus Awards for Best Novella.