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authors featured in the Big Sky Library

Anthology series: Steampunk Writers Around the World

Editor:  Kevin Steil

Languages:  English  |  Spanish


Bibliographic comments:


Steampunk Writers Around the World, Volume 1

Kevin Steil, ed.


<  August 2017, 1st edition

Luna Press

ISBN 978-1-911143-20-8

Trade paperback, 222 pages



  •  Foreword by Kevin Steil.

  •  Bilingual anthology (English and Spanish).

  •  Relevant contents are highlighted in white.

Fiction: Josué Ramos, The Story of Your Heart  //  Fábio Fernandes, El alférez de hierro  //  Marcus R. Gilman, Heirs  

//  Aníbal J. Rosario Planas, Pólvora y vapor  //  Ray Dean, Providence in the Pacific  //  César Santivañez, Las

cadenas infintas  //  Milton Davis, The Swarm  //  Josué Ramos, La historia de tu corazón  //  Suna Dasi, Unmade  //  

Elaine Vilar Madruga, La maldición de la espina  //  Petra Slováková, The Golden Apple  //  Paulo César Ramírez

Villaseñor, Cuauhtlipoca, el águila humeante