Anthology: Shine: An Anthology of Optimistic Science Fiction
Editor: Jetse de Vries
Language: English

Bibliographic comments: Relevant contents are highlighted in white.

Shine: An Anthology of Optimistic Science Fiction
Jetse de Vries, ed.
Library edition: March 2010, 1st edition, 1st printing
ISBN 978-1-906735-67-8
Paperback, 453 pages
$7.99 / C$9.99
• Introduction by Jetse de Vries.
• 'The Earth of Yunhe' is set in China.
Fiction: Eric Gregory, The Earth of Yunhe // Jacques Barcia, The Greenman Watches the Black Bar Go Up, Up, Up
// Jason Stoddard, Overhead // Holly Phillips, Summer Ice // Paula R. Stiles, Sustainable Development // Aliette
de Bodard, Gareth L. Powell, The Church of Accelerated Redemption // Lavie Tidhar, The Solnet Ascendancy //
Mari Ness, Twittering the Stars // Silvia Moreno-Garcia, Seeds // Alastair Reynolds, At Budokan // Gord Sellar,
Sarging Rasmussen: A Report by Organic // Jason Andrew, Scheherazade Caught in Starlight // Eva Maria
Chapman, Russian Roulette 2020 // Kay Kenyon, Castoff World // Ken Edgett, Paul Kishosha's Children //
Madeline Ashby, Ishin