Non-fiction anthology: Science Fiction Beyond Borders
Editors (alphabetically listed): Shawn Edrei | Danielle Gurevitch
Language: English
Bibliographic comments: Anthology of Israeli science fiction criticism.
Science Fiction Beyond Borders
Shawn Edrei, Danielle Gurevitch, eds.
< December 2016, 1st edition
Cambridge Scholars Publishing
ISBN 978-1-4438-9955-0
Hardcover, 190 pages
Unknown cover price
• Introduction by Shawn Edrei.
Essays: Elana Gomel, Character Degree Zero: Space and the Posthuman Subject // Anat Karolin, Androgynous
Aliens and Gender Migrants: Experiments in Genderlessness in Ursula K. Le Guin's The Left Hand of Darkness and
Greg Egan's Distress // Naomi Michalowicz, The Importance of Telling Lies: SF Ethics and the Story of the Fall in
China Miéville's Embassytown // Moriel Ram, Fictionalising the Failure of Science: Zombies, Ambivalence and
Modernity // Razi Zeidan, Human Degeneration in Early Science Fiction Literature // Ulrike Goldenblatt, Facing
Your Dolly: Cloning As an Aid or Obstacle to Discussions of Ethics in Science Fiction // Vyatcheslav Bart, Futurist,
Decadent, and Pagan Influences in Transhumanism: The Dangers of Godlike Creativity // Avital Pilpel, Why Are
There No Israeli Utopias in Israeli Science Fiction? // Danielle Gurevitch, Angels on Katzenelson Street: The Israeli
Reader's Attitude Towards Fantastic Literature // Hila Peleg, Smashing Expectations for Fun and Profit: Intertextuality
and "Rip-Off" in the Novels of John Scalzi