Anthology: Great Works of Jewish Fantasy
Editor: Joachim Neugroschel
Language: English
Bibliographic comments: Also appeared in 1991 under the title Great Works of Jewish Fantasy and the Occult: The Dybbuk
and Thirty Other Classic Stories.
Great Works of Jewish Fantasy
Joachim Neugroschel, ed.
< First UK edition,1978
ISBN 0-330-25343-3
B-format paperback, 713 pages
£1.95 / A$5.50 / NZ$5.85
• Translated and with a Foreword by Joachim Neugroschel.
Fiction: Ansky, The Tower of Rome // Mendele Moykher-Sforim, The Wandering of a Soul // uncredited, The Rabbi
Who Was Turned Into a Werewolf // Der Nister, At the Border // Y. L. Peretz, The Three Wedding Canopies //
Ansky, The Penitent // Y. L. Peretz, Three Gifts // Der Nister, The Fool and the Forest Demon // I. J. Trunk, The
Jewish Pope – a Historical Tale // Moyshe Kulbak, The Wind Who Lost His Temper // Yudl Rosenberg, The Golem
// uncredited, The Conversation of Two Ghosts // Ansky, A Good Laugh // uncredited, The Possession // Dovid
Bergelson, At Night // Der Nister, In the Wine Cellar // Rabbi Nakhman of Bratslev, A Tale of a King and a Wise
Man // Moyshe Kulbak, The Messiah of the House of Ephraim // Rabbi Nakhman of Bratslev, A Tale of a Prince //
Ber Horovitz, The Dybbuk // Y. L. Peretz, A Passion for Clothes // uncredited, King Solomon and Ashmedai //
Rabbi Nakhman of Bratslev, A Tale of a Rabbi and His Only Son // Y. L. Peretz, The Conjuror // A. B. Gotlober,
The Gilgul or The Transmigration // uncredited, Haninah and the Frog // Rabbi Nakhman of Bratslev, A Tale of the
Menorah // Ber Horowitz, The Legend of the Madonna // Der Nister, A Tale of Kings // Mendele Moykher-Sforim,
The Mare // Rabbi Nakhman of Bratslev, The Tale of the Seven Beggars