the big sky library of asian speculative fiction

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authors featured in the Big Sky Library

Anthology: A Visitor from Outer Space

Editors:  uncredited

Language:  English

Bibliographic comments: Identical contents to Soviet Science Fiction (1962), minus Asimov’s introduction but does includes

the very long footnote to Alexander Kazantsev’s ‘A Visitor from Outer Space’.

A Visitor from Outer Space

uncredited, ed.


< First edition, 1961

Foreign Languages Publishing House

Catalog ID 01655

Paperback, 202 pages

No cover price


  •  Translated by Violet L. Dutt.

>   Library edition

Fiction: A. Belayev, Hoity-Toity  //  Arkady Strugatsky, Boris Strugatsky, Spontaneous Reflex  //  Alexander

Kazantsev, A Visitor from Outer Space  //  Alexander Kazantsev, The Martian  //  G. Gurevich, Infra Draconis  //  

Vladimir Savchenko, Professor Bern's Awakening