Magazine: Galaxy’s Edge
Bibliographic comments: Bi-monthly US magazine publishing science fiction, issued as paperbacks with individual ISBNs.
• Only issues with contents of interest to this library are listed here, highlighted in white.
Galaxy’s Edge, #45
Lezli Robyn, ed.
< July 2020
Arc Manor / Phoenix Pick
ISBN 978-1-61242-497-2
Paperback, 104 pages
• Editor's Note by Lezli Robyn.
• 'The Dictator and the Butterfly' is set in what is probably a reunified Korea.
Fiction: Kay Kenyon, The Dictator and the Butterfly // Chris Barnham, Bad Moon Falling // Rachelle Harp, Still
Awake // Mike Resnick, Down Memory Lane // Alex Shvartsman, Choice of the Conquered // Jack McDevitt,
Black to Move // Nick DiChario, Bear, Hunter, Preacher, Crow // Robert Silverberg, House of Bones // ZZ
Claybourne, Cynthia Yau Is Exquisite // Katharine Kerr, The Right Reward
Essays: Richard Chwedyk, Recommended Books // Gregory Benford, A Scientist's Notebook // L. Penelope,
Interview: Lezli Robyn interviews Katharine Kerr
Serial: Jack L. Chalker, Midnight at the Well of Souls (Part 5 of 7)
Editors (alphabetically listed): Mike Resnick | Lezli Robyn
Language: English
Active: 2013 – present
Issues: ongoing
Websites: Galaxy’s Edge | Galactic Central | ISFDB | SFE4