the big sky library of asian speculative fiction

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authors featured in the Big Sky Library

Webzine: Eclipse Online


Bibliographic comments: Twice-monthly US webzine publishing fantasy and science fiction, run by Night Shade Books.

Issues have no cover art.

• Only issues with contents of interest to this library are listed here, highlighted in white.


Eclipse Online, #6

Jonathan Strahan, ed.

24 December 2012

Night Shade Books



Fiction: Lavie Tidhar, The Memcordist

Essay: Lavie Tidhar, The Continuity: Annotated Bibliography

Editor: Jonathan Strahan

Language: English


Active: 2012 – 2013

Issues: 12

Websites:  Galactic Central  |  ISFDB


Eclipse Online, #11

Jonathan Strahan, ed.

10 March 2012

Night Shade Books



Fiction: E. Lily Yu, Loss, with Chalk Diagrams