Magazine / webzine: Deep Magic
Editors (alphabetically listed): Kristin Ammerman | Charlie N. Holmberg | Brendon Taylor | Jeff Wheeler |
Jeremy Whitted | Steve R. Yeager
Language: English
Active: 2002 – 2006, 2016 – present
Issues: ongoing
Websites: Deep Magic | Galactic Central | ISFDB
Bibliographic comments: US online downloadable e-zine, publishing fantasy and SF. Relaunched as a bi-monthly e-zine.
• Only issues with contents of interest to this library are listed here, highlighted in white.
Deep Magic, #14
Jeremy Whitted, ed.
< July 2003
• Editorial 'Note from the Editors'.
• Only fiction is listed.
Fiction: Vera Searles, The Dream-Magic // William I. Lengeman, III, Confessions of a Grasshopper // Najla Ann
Al-Doori, Flames of a Dove // Rebekah Jensen, No Unread Pages // Adrienne Allmann, Giaglo's World // Gary
Clinton, Ollie // Bradley Beaulieu, Secrets of the Shoeblack // Mark Reeder, It's the Economy, Stupid // M.
Thomas, Found Things (Part 4 of 4)

Deep Magic, #23
Jeremy Whitted, ed.
< April 2004
• Editorial 'Note from the Editors'.
• Only fiction is listed.
Fiction: Usman Tanveer Malik, The Well That Never Ended // Jeff Wheeler, Kenatos // Mark Reeder, Where
Memory Has Lease // Keri Stevenson, Royalty of Wind, Fire, and Clay (Part 2 of 4)

Deep Magic, #45
Jeremy Whitted, ed.
< February 2006
• Editorial 'Note from the Editors'.
• Only fiction is listed.
Fiction: Aliette de Bodard, The Triad's Gift // Calie Voorhis, Afternoon Download // Michael Merriam, Rainfall

Deep Magic, #48
Jeremy Whitted, ed.
< May 2006
• Editorial 'Note from the Editors'.
• Only fiction is listed.
Fiction: Jason Gross, Last Ditch // Joanne Anderton, Bond // Aliette de Bodard, Kindred Spirits
Deep Magic, #55
Jeff Wheeler, ed.
< April 2017
• Editor's Note by the Editors.
• Only fiction is listed.
Fiction: Laurie Tom, Between Earth and Exile // Eugene Morgulis, Not That Kind of Wizard // D. K. Holmberg, The
Price of Healing // Clint Johnson, The Dealer, the Hag, and the Boy Who Dreamed // Kathryn Yelinek, Autumn at
the Dragon's Cave // Emily King, The Hundredth Queen (excerpt) // Jeff Wheeler, The Hollow Crown (excerpt)

Deep Magic, #56
Jeff Wheeler, ed.
< June 2017
• Editor's Note by Jeff Wheeler.
• Only fiction is listed.
Fiction: Patrice Sarath, Bad Dog // Terry Brooks, The Black Irix // Jeff Wheeler, Metamorphistry // Stephen
Kotowych, Tony Pi, The Waxing Disquiet // Christen Anne Kelley, Dreams of a Radiant Sentry // Charlie N.
Holmberg, The Fifth Doll (excerpt) // Carrie Anne Noble, The Gold-Son (excerpt)

Deep Magic, #60
Kristin Ammerman, Dan Hilton, Charlie N. Holmberg, Brendon Taylor, Jeff Wheeler, Steve R.
Yeager, eds.
< Spring 2018
• Editor's Note by Kristin Ammerman.
• Only fiction is listed.
Fiction: Micah Hyatt, Murmurs // Christoph Weber, Hanging Trees // Christopher Baxter, Vanya and the Rusalka
// T. E. Bradford, Dragon Bond // Ken Liu, The Ten Suns // Charlie N. Holmberg, The Plastic Magician (excerpt) //
Obert Skye, Wizard for Hire (excerpt)

Deep Magic, #61
Kristin Ammerman, Dan Hilton, Charlie N. Holmberg, Brendon Taylor, Jeff Wheeler, Steve R.
Yeager, eds.
< Summer 2018
• Editor's Note by Steve R. Yeager.
• Only fiction is listed.
Fiction: Aimee Ogden, Time Piece and the Perfect Daughter // Laurie Tom, Poison Maiden, Open Skies // Jeremy
A. TeGrotenhuis, An Empty Cup // Margery Bayne, The Pawnshop of Intangible Things // Kyle Malone, The
Frontier // Charlie N. Holmberg, The War and the Riddle // Steve R. Yeager, The Wizard's Hat // Dan Hilton,
Orthodontist for Hire // Kristin J. Dawson, Time Pieces // Brendon Taylor, Inalienable Rights // Jeff Wheeler,
Starman and Zuki // Sara Roethle, Tree of Ages (excerpt) // Jeff Wheeler, Storm Glass (excerpt)