Academic journal: Science Fiction Studies
Editors (alphabetically listed): Marc Angenot | Christopher Bolton | Istvan Csicsery-Ronay Jr. | Charles Elkins |
Arthur B. Evans | Neil Gerlach | Joan Gordon | Michael Griffin | Sheryl N. Hamilton | Veronica Hollinger | Rob Latham |
Nicole Lobdell | Patrick McCarthy | Carol McGuirk | Aris Mounsoutzanis | R. D. Mullen | Robert M. Philmus |
Erik Simon | Darko Suvin | Lisa Swanstrom | Tatsumi Takayuki | Yugin Teo | Sherryl Vint | Yan Wu
Language: English
ISSN: 0091-7729
Issues: 1973 – present
Websites: Science Fiction Studies | ISFDB | SFE4
Science-Fiction Studies, #37
Robert M. Philmus, Charles Elkins, eds.
< November 1985
SFS Publications / SF-TH Inc.
• Vol. 12, No. 3.
• Only essays and the interview are listed here.
Essays: Mark Siegel, Foreigner as Alien in Japanese Science Fantasy // Tony Williams, Female Oppression in Attack
of the 50-Foot Woman // Anne Cranny-Francis, Sexuality and Sex-Role Stereotyping in Star Trek // Perry
Nodelman, Out There in Children's Science Fiction: Forward Into the Past // Lorenz J. Firsching, J. G. Ballard's
Ambiguous Apocalypse // Nancy Steffen-Fluhr, Paper Tiger: Women and H. G. Wells // Howard Kaminsky,
Thematic Reductions // Richard A. Schwartz, Cybernetics and Science Fiction // Gary K. Wolfe, A Narrow View of
Fantasy // Richard Dwyer, Arthurian Legend and Science Fiction // David Ketterer, A Visual Commentary on
Frankenstein // Merritt Abrash, A Failure of Scholarship // James Bittner, Packaging Le Guin for the General
Reader // Kathleen L. Spencer, Trying the Reader's Patience // Gary K. Wolfe, A Guide to Farmer // Sam
Moskowitz, The Frome Finale // John Robert Colombo, Canadian Science Fiction and Fantasy // Darko Suvin, SF
in the USSR: A Call for Papers
Interview: Joseph Francavilla, Disching It Out: An Interview with Thomas Disch
Science-Fiction Studies, #1
R. D. Mullen, Darko Suvin, eds.
< Spring 1973
SF-TH Inc.
• Vol. 1, No. 1.
• Only essays are listed here.
Essays: David N. Samuelson, Clarke's Childhood's End: A Median Stage of Adolescence? // Patrick Parrinder,
Imagining the Future: Zamyatin and Wells // Stanislaw Lem, On the Structural Analysis of Science Fiction // Marc
Angenot, Jules Verne and French Literary Criticism // Ursula K. Le Guin, On Norman Spinrad's The Iron Dream //
Robert M. Philmus, The Shape of Science Fiction: Through the Historical Looking Glass
Science-Fiction Studies, #8
R. D. Mullen, Darko Suvin, eds.
< March 1976
SF-TH Inc.
• Vol. 3, No. 1.
• Only essays are listed here.
Essays: David N. Samuelson, The Lost Canticles of Walter M. Miller, Jr. // Charles Elkins, Asimov's 'Foundation'
Novels: Historical Materialism Distorted into Cyclical Psycho-History // Robert Plank, Ursula K. Le Guin and the
Decline of Romantic Love // Ursula K. Le Guin, A Response to the Le Guin Issue // Marc Angenot, Jules Verne and
French Literary Criticism // S.C. Fredericks, Lucian's True History as SF // Robert Galbreath, Introduction to the
Ketterer Forum // David Ketterer, Science Fiction and Allied Literature // Ralph Willett, Moorcock's Achievement and
Promise in the Jerry Cornelius Books // Gale E. Christianson, Kepler's Somnium: Science Fiction and the
Renaissance Scientist
Science-Fiction Studies, #10
R. D. Mullen, Darko Suvin, eds.
< November 1976
SF-TH Inc.
• Vol. 3, No. 3.
• Only essays are listed here.
Essays: David Winston, Iambulus' Islands of the Sun and Hellenistic Literary Utopias // Roy Arthur Swanson, The
True, the False, and the Truly False: Lucian's Philosophical Science Fiction // Darko Suvin, The Alternate Islands: A
Chapter in the History of SF, with a Bibliography on the SF of Antiquity, the Middle Ages, and the Renaissance //
Christie V. McDonald, The Reading and Writing of Utopia in Denis Diderot's Supplément au voyage de Bougainville //
William B. Fischer, German Theories of Science Fiction: Jean Paul, Kurd Lasswitz, and After // Patrick Parrinder,
News From Nowhere, The Time Machine, and the Break-Up of Classical Realism // Lyman Tower Sargent, Themes
in Utopian Fiction in English Before Wells // George Locke, Wells in Three Volumes? A Sketch of British Publishing in
the 19th Century
Science-Fiction Studies, #12
R. D. Mullen, Darko Suvin, eds.
< July 1977
SF-TH Inc.
• Vol. 4, No. 2.
• Only essays are listed here.
Essays: Stanislaw Lem, Cosmology and Science Fiction // Jerzy Jarzebski, Stanislaw Lem, Rationalist and
Visionary // Gary K. Wolfe, Mythic Structures in Cordwainer Smith's 'The Game of Rat and Dragon' // Tom Moylan,
Ideological Contradiction in Clarke's The City and the Stars // Ursula K. Le Guin, A New Book by the Strugatskys //
Bernt Kling, Perry Rhodan // Michael D. White, Ellison's Harlequin: Irrational Moral Action in Static Time // Robert
M. Philmus, H. G. Wells as Literary Critic for the Saturday Review, with Abstracts of 92 Reviews, 1895-97
Science-Fiction Studies, #19
Marc Angenot, Robert M. Philmus, Darko Suvin, eds.
< November 1979
SF-TH Inc.
• Vol. 6, No. 3.
• Only essays are listed here.
Essays: Gregory Benford, Samuel Delany, Robert Scholes, Alan J. Friedman, John Woodcock, Teaching Science
Fiction: Unique Challenges // Charles Elkins, Darko Suvin, Preliminary Reflections on Teaching Science Fiction
Critically // Lowry Pei, Poor Singletons: Definitions of Humanity in the Stories of James Tiptree, Jr. // Ina Rae Hark,
Unity in the Composite Novel: Triadic Patterning in Asimov's The Gods Themselves // Martin Schäfer, The Rise and
Fall of Antiutopia // Andrzej Zgorzelski, Is Science Fiction a Genre of Fantastic Literature? // George Locke, An
English Science-Fiction Magazine, 1919 // David Y. Hughes, Criticism in English of H. G. Wells's Science Fiction //
Carlo Pagetti, 25 Years of SF Criticism in Italy (1953-1978) // Robert M. Philmus, In Search of Orwell // Samuel R.
Delany, The Order of "Chaos" // Patrick Parrinder, Delany Inspects the Word-Beast
Science-Fiction Studies, #23
Marc Angenot, Charles Elkins, Robert M. Philmus, eds.
< March 1981
SFS Publications / SF-TH Inc.
• Vol. 8, No. 1.
• Editorial is uncredited.
• Only essays are listed here.
Essays: Robert M. Philmus, The Satiric Ambivalence of The Island of Doctor Moreau // David Lake, The Whiteness
of Griffin and H.G. Wells's Images of Death, 1897-1914 // William J. Scheick, Toward the Ultra-SF Novel: H.G. Wells's
Star Begotten // Michael Tritt, Byron's 'Darkness' and Asimov's 'Nightfall' // Manfred Nagl, National Peculiarities in
German SF // H.G. Wells, Woman and Primitive Culture // Marc Angenot, Nadia Khouri, An International
Bibliography of Prehistoric Fiction // Stanislaw Lem, Metafantasia: The Possibilities of SF // Darko Suvin, Playful
Cognizing, or Technical Errors in Harmonyville: The SF of Johanna and Günter Braun // Aija Ozolins, Twelve Essays
on Frankenstein // Franz Rottensteiner, Le Guin's Fantasy // John Fekete, Circumnavigating Ursula Le Guin //
Carlo Pagetti, Recent Italian Criticism on Utopia and SF
Science-Fiction Studies, #24
Marc Angenot, Charles Elkins, Robert M. Philmus, eds.
< July 1981
SFS Publications / SF-TH Inc.
• Vol. 8, No. 2.
• Only essays are listed here.
Essays: Mark Rose, Filling the Void: Verne, Wells, and Lem // E.D. Mackerness, Zola, Wells, and 'The Coming
Beast' // John L. Grigsby, Asimov's Foundation Trilogy and Herbert's Dune Trilogy: A Vision Reversed // David J.
Lake, Le Guin's Twofold Vision: Contrary Image Sets In The Left Hand of Darkness // Richard Alan Schwartz,
Thomas Pynchon and the Evolution of Fiction // J.A. Dautzenberg, A Survey of Dutch and Flemish Science Fiction //
John Robert Colombo, Science Fiction in Bulgaria // Donald Watson, From Fantasy to Feasibility; or, The Romance
of the Future // R.D. Mullen, The OUP Series: Franklin on Heinlein, McConnell on Wells // Marc Angenot, Nadia
Khouri, Science Fiction In Old San Francisco
Science-Fiction Studies, #31
Robert M. Philmus, Charles Elkins, Marc Angenot, eds.
< November 1983
SFS Publications / SF-TH Inc.
• Vol. 10, No. 3.
• Editorial is uncredited.
• Only essays are listed here.
Essays: Manfred Nagl, The Science-Fiction Film in Historical Perspective // I. E. Svilpis, Science-Fiction Magazine
Illustration: A Semiotic Analysis // Karin Blair, Sex and Star Trek // Andrew Gordon, E.T. as Fairy Tale // Victoria
Myers, Conversational Technique in Ursula Le Guin: A Speech-Act Analysis // Stanislaw Lem, About the Strugatskys'
Roadside Picnic // Dagmar Barnouw, "Melancholy Here Now": Artificial and Alien Intelligence // Daniel Gerould, On
Soviet Science Fiction // Marc Angenot, Utopia as State Novel
Science-Fiction Studies, #33
Robert M. Philmus, Charles Elkins, Marc Angenot, eds.
< July 1984
SFS Publications / SF-TH Inc.
• Vol. 11, No. 2.
• Only essays are listed here.
Essays: Franz Rottensteiner, Paul Scheerbart, Fantast of "Otherness" // Patrick A. McCarthy, Zamyatin and the
Nightmare of Technology // Louis Tremaine, Historical Consciousness in Stapledon and Malraux // Nancy
Steffen-Fluhr, Women and the Inner Game of Don Siegel's Invasion of the Body Snatchers // Clayton Koelb, The
Language of Presence in Varley's "The Persistence of Vision" // Marie Maclean, Metamorphoses of the Signifier in
"Unnatural" Languages // John L. Grigsby, Herbert's Reversal of Asimov's Vision Reassessed: Foundation's Edge
and God Emperor of Dune // Remi-Maure, Science Fiction in Chile // John Bell, The Persistence of Division //
Fredric Jameson, Science Fiction and the German Democratic Republic // Douglas Barbour, Crown's Classics of
Modern Science Fiction // Robert M. Philmus, New Possibilities for Research on Science Fiction
Science-Fiction Studies, #34
Robert M. Philmus, Charles Elkins, Marc Angenot, eds.
< November 1984
SFS Publications / SF-TH Inc.
• Vol. 11, No. 3.
• Only essays are listed here.
Essays: Stanislaw Lem, Remarks Occasioned by Antoni Slonimski's The Torpedo of Time // Patrick A. McCarthy,
Last and First Men as Miltonic Epic // Paul Brians, Nuclear War in Science Fiction, 1945-59 // Alan C. Elms, The
Creation of Cordwainer Smith // David Ketterer, James Blish's Welcome to Mars and the Haertel Complex //
Simonetta Salvestroni, The Ambiguous Miracle in Three Novels by the Strugatsky Brothers // Heinz Tschachler,
Despotic Reason in Arcadia? Ernest Callenbach's Ecological Utopias // Daniel Gerould, Villiers de l'Isle-Adam and
Science Fiction // Herbert Sussman, Victorian Science Fiction // Donald Watson, Doomsday—And Beyond
Science-Fiction Studies, #38
Robert M. Philmus, Charles Elkins, eds.
< March 1986
SFS Publications / SF-TH Inc.
• Vol. 13, No. 1.
• Only essays are listed here.
Essays: Istvan Csicsery-Ronay, Jr., Towards the Last Fairy Tale: On the Fairy-Tale Paradigm in the Strugatskys'
Science Fiction, 1963-72 // Marleen Barr, "The Females Do the Fathering": James Tiptree's Male Matriarchs and Adult
Human Gametes // Stephen M. Fjellman, Prescience and Power: God Emperor of Dune and the Intellectuals //
Nachman Ben-Yehuda, Sociological Reflections on the History of Science Fiction in Israel // Susan Gubar, Feminism
and Utopia // I.F. Clarke, Dorking Revisited
Science-Fiction Studies, #40
Robert M. Philmus, Charles Elkins, eds.
< November 1986
SF-TH Inc.
• Vol. 13, No. 3.
• Editorial by Robert M. Philmus.
• Only essays and the interview are listed here.
Essays: Stanislaw Lem, Metafuturology // Stanislaw Lem, On Stapledon's Last and First Men // N. Katherine
Hayles, Space for Writing: Stanislaw Lem and the Dialectic "That Guides My Pen" // Robert M. Philmus, Futurological
Congress as Metageneric Text // David Field, Fluid Worlds: Lem's Solaris and Nabokov's Ada // L. A. Anninski, On
Lem's The High Castle // Irina Rodnianskaia, Two Faces of Stanislaw Lem: On His Master's Voice // Jerzy
Jarzebski, Stanislaw Lem's Star Diaries // Michael Kandel, Two Meditations on Stanislaw Lem // Stanislaw Lem, On
the Genesis of Wizja Lokalna (Eyewitness Account) // Istvan Csicsery-Ronay, Jr., How Not to Write a Book About
Interview: Istvan Csicsery-Ronay, Jr., Twenty-Two Answers and Two Postscripts: An Interview with Stanislaw Lem
Science-Fiction Studies, #41
Robert M. Philmus, Charles Elkins, eds.
< March 1987
SF-TH Inc.
• Vol. 14, No. 1.
• Only essays and the interview are listed here.
Essays: Stanislaw Lem, On Stapledon's Star Maker // Charles Nicol, Nabokov and Science Fiction: 'Lance' //
Patrick D. Murphy, Dialogics and Didacticism: John Brunner's Narrative Blending // Soren Baggesen, Utopian and
Dystopian Pessimism: Le Guin's The Word for World is Forest and Tiptree's 'We Who Stole the Dream' // Fredric
Jameson, Science Fiction as a Spatial Genre: Generic Discontinuities and the Problem of Figuration in Vonda
McIntyre's The Exile Waiting // Florian F. Marzin, Science Fiction and Censorship in West Germany: A Literary Genre
on the Index // David Y. Hughes, British "Scientific Romance" // Elizabeth Maslen, Proper Words in Proper Places:
The Challenge of Capek's War with the Newts // Robert Crossley, Dystopian Nights // W. Warren Wagar, The Best
and Worst of Times
Interview: Earl G. Ingersoll, A Conversation with Isaac Asimov
Science-Fiction Studies, #42
Robert M. Philmus, Charles Elkins, eds.
< July 1987
SF-TH Inc.
• Vol. 14, No. 2.
• Editorial by Istvan Csicsery-Ronay, Jr.
• Only essays and the interview are listed here.
Essays: H. J. Schulz, Science Fiction and Ideology: Some Problems of Approach // Carl Freedman, Science Fiction
and Critical Theory // Veronica Hollinger, Deconstructing The Time Machine // Antoni Smuszkiewicz, Props and
Their Function in Science Fiction // Naomi Jacobs, Person and Persona: Historical Figures in "Recombinant'' Science
Fiction // Fredric Jameson, Shifting Contexts of Science-Fiction Theory // Kathleen L. Spencer, Vintage Delany //
Gary K. Wolfe, A Range of Reference Works // Carlo Pagetti, Science Fiction Criticism in Italy, In and Out of the
University // David Ketterer, Androgyny vs. Bifurcation: A Psychological Reading of Frankenstein // Daniel Gerould,
Alexander Bogdanov, Founder of Soviet Science Fiction
Interview: Samuel R. Delany, The Semiology of Silence
Science-Fiction Studies, #44
Robert M. Philmus, Charles Elkins, eds.
< March 1988
SF-TH Inc.
• Vol. 15, No. 1.
• Only essays and fiction are listed here.
Essays: Arthur B. Evans, Science Fiction vs. Scientific Fiction in France: From Jules Verne to J. H. Rosny Aîné //
Albert I. Berger, Theories of History and Social Order in Astounding Science Fiction, 1934-55 // Donald M. Hassler,
Some Asimov Resonances from the Enlightenment // Katherine Fishburn, Doris Lessing's Briefing for a Descent into
Hell: Science Fiction or Psycho-Drama? // Carl R. Kropf, Douglas Adams's "Hitchhiker'' Novels as Mock Science
Fiction // Jean-Marc Gouanvic, Rational Speculations in French Canada, 1839-1974 // Kenneth M. Roemer,
Prescriptions for Readers (and Writers) of Utopias
Fiction: "John Quill", The Women's Millennium (with an introduction by David Ketterer)
Science-Fiction Studies, #47
Robert M. Philmus, Charles Elkins, eds.
< March 1989
SF-TH Inc.
• Vol. 16, No. 1.
• Only essays are listed here.
Essays: George E. Slusser, Structures of Apprehension: Lem, Heinlein, and the Strugatskys // Rafail Nudelman,
Soviet Science Fiction and the Ideology of Soviet Society // Vladimir Gakov, Paul Brians, Nuclear-War Themes in
Soviet Science Fiction: An Annotated Bibliography // James Sexton, Aldous Huxley's Bokanovsky // S. A. Cowan,
Five-Finger Exercise: Asimov's Clues to the Plot-Solution of 'Catch That Rabbit'