the big sky library of asian speculative fiction

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authors featured in the Big Sky Library

Iron Widow


<  September 2021, 1st edition

Penguin Teen

ISBN 978-0-7352-6993-4

Hardcover, 400 pages



  •  'Iron Widow' series #1.

  •  Winner of the 2021 BSFA Award for Best Fiction for Younger Readers, the 2022 Pacific Northwest Book Award, the

     2022 Barnes & Noble Children's & YA Book Award, the 2022 Arlene Barlin Award for Science Fiction and Fantasy,

     and the 2022 Amy Mathers Teen Book Award.

Xiran Jay Zhao

Legal name:  

Transliterated name:  Zhao, Xiran Jay

Birth place:  China

Birth date:  

Language:  English

Bibliographic comments:  

Biographic comments:  Resident in Canada.


Zachary Ying and the Dragon Emperor


<  May 2022, 1st edition

Margaret K. McElderry Books

ISBN 978-1-66590-070-6

Hardcover, 352 pages



Heavenly Tyrant


<  April 2024, 1st edition

Tundra Books

ISBN 978-0-7352-6998-9

Hardcover, 400 pages



  •  'Iron Widow' series #2.