हरिशंकर परसाई | Harishankar Parsai
Legal name: हरिशंकर परसाई
Transliterated name: Parsai, Harishankar
Birth place: Jamnia, Hoshangabad, Madhya Pradesh, India
Birth date: 22 August 1924
Death date: 10 August 1995
Language: Hindi
Bibliographic comments:
Biographic comments:
Inspector Matadeen on the Moon
Library edition: 2003 edition, 1st printing
ISBN 81-87649-76-3
Trade paperback, 165 pages
• Translated by C.M. Naim.
• Introduction by Vishnu Khare.
• Contains both genre and non-genre fiction.
Fiction: Inspector Matadeen on the Moon // A Ten Day Fast // Contesting an Election in Bihar // Poor Trishanku //
The Twenty Eighth Tale of the Vetal // Family Planning // The First Bridge // Gentlemen, Conmen and Congressmen
// When the Soul Cries Out // Mufat Lal Goes for an Interview // Honouring the Sahab // The Prospectus of a
Proposed Private College // Iti Shri Researchaya // A Journey with a Premi // Bholaram's Soul // Tiny Tales // A
Fast Unto Death // Pulled Down by Lamp Posts // A Shivering Republic // Divine Lunatic Mission // The Days of