the big sky library of asian speculative fiction

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authors featured in the Big Sky Library

宮沢賢治  |  Kenji Miyazawa

Legal name:  宮沢賢治

Transliterated name:  Miyazawa, Kenji

Birth place:  Hanamaki, Iwate, Japan

Birth date:  2 August 1896

Death date:  21 September 1933

Language:  Japanese

Bibliographic comments:

Biographic comments:  


Once and Forever: The Tales of Kenji Miyazawa


Library edition: October 2018 edition, 1st printing

New York Review of Books

ISBN 978-1-68137-260-0

Trade paperback, 261 pages



  •  Foreword and translated by John Bester.

Fiction: The Earthgod and the Fox  //  General Son Ba-yu  //  Ozbel and the Elephant  //  The First Deer Dance  //  The

Bears of Nametoko  //  Wildcat and the Acorns  //  Gorsch the Cellist  //  Tokkobe Torako  //  A Stem of Lilies  //  The

Restaurant of Many Orders  //  The Man of the Hills  //  The Police Chief  //  The Spider, the Slug, and the Raccoon  //  

The Red Blanket  //  The Dahlias and the Crane  //  The Thirty Frogs  //  The Ungrateful Rat  //  Night of the Festival  //  

The Fire Stone  //  March by Moonlight  //  Kenju's Wood  //  The Wild Pear  //  Down in the Wood  //  The Nighthawk


Short fiction chapbooks

Milky Way Railroad


Library edition: December 2008 edition, 1st printing

Stone Bridge Press

ISBN 978-1-933330-40-2

Paperback, 143 pages



  •  Translated by Joseph Sigrist and D. M. Stroud.

  •  Interior art by Ryu Okazaki.