the big sky library of asian speculative fiction

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authors featured in the Big Sky Library

許瑩玲  |  Julie Koh

Legal name:  許瑩玲

Transliterated name:  Koh, Julie

Birth place:  Sydney, NSW, Australia

Birth date:  

Language:  English

Bibliographic comments:

Biographic comments:  Of Chinese and Malaysian descent.


Capital Misfits: Seven Exercises in Economical Fiction


Library edition: 2016, 1st edition

Math Paper Press

ISBN 978-981-11-1232-4

Trade paperback, 103 pages



  •  Interior art by Matt Huynh.

Fiction: The Trading Floor in Heaven  //  The Tramp and the Rolex  //  Endless City  //  Sugar Daddy  //  The Level

Playing Field  //  The Greatest Joke in the World  //  Free Rider

Portable Curiosities


< May 2016, 1st edition

University of Queensland Press

ISBN 978-0-7022-5404-8

Trade paperback, 229 pages

Unknown cover price


Fiction: Sight  //  The Fantastic Breasts  //  Satirist Rising  //  Civility Place  //  Cream Reaper  //  The

Three-Dimensional Yellow Man  //  Two  //  Slow Death in Cat Cafe  //  Inquiry Regarding the Recent Goings-On in the

Woods  //  The Procession  //  The Sister Company  //  The Fat Girl in History