the big sky library of asian speculative fiction

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authors featured in the Big Sky Library

黃孝忠  |  Huang Fan

Legal name:  黃孝忠

Transliterated name:  Huang Fan

Birth place:  Wanhua, Taipei, Taiwan

Birth date:  1950

Language:  Chinese

Bibliographic comments:

Biographic comments:  


Zero and Other Fictions


<  September 2011, 1st edition

Columbia University Press

ISBN 978-0-231-15740-7

Hardcover, 160 pages



  •  Edited and translated by John Balcom.

  •  Winner of the 2012 Science Fiction & Fantasy Translation 'Best Long Form' Award.

Fiction: Lai Suo  //  The Intelligent Man  //  How to Measure the Width of a Ditch  //  Zero