This Is How You Lose the Time War
with Max Gladstone
Library edition: July 2019, 1st edition, 1st printing
Saga Press
ISBN 978-1-5344-3100-3
Hardcover, 198 pages
$19.99 / C$26.99
• Winner of the 2019 BSFA Award for Best Short Fiction, the 2020 Aurora Award for Best Short Fiction and the 2020
Hugo, Nebula and Locus Awards for Best Novella.

The Honey Month
< August 2010, 1st edition
Papaveria Press
ISBN 978-1-907881-00-8
Trade paperback, 73 pages
• Introduction by Danielle Sucher.
• Interior art by Oliver Hunter.
Fiction: Fireweed Honey // Sag Harbor, NY, Early Spring Honey // Raspberry Rose Honey // Cranberry Creamed
Honey // Thistle Honey // Raspberry Creamed Honey // Hungarian Forest Honey // Ugandan Honey // Manuka
Honey // Honeydew Honey // Bamboo Honey // Malaysian Rainforest Honey // Tart Cherry Creamed Honey //
Apricot Creamed Honey // Raw Manuka Honey // Leatherwood Honey // French Chestnut Honey
Poetry: Peach Creamed Honey // Lemon Creamed Honey // Zambian Honey // French Rhododendron Honey //
Blackberry Honey // Red Gum Honey // Black Locust Blossom Honey // Raspberry Honey // Blueberry Honey //
Blackberry Honey (2) // Blackberry Creamed Honey
Amal El-Mohtar

Legal name: El-Mohtar, Amal
Birth place: Ottawa, ON, Canada
Birth date: 13 December 1984
Language: English
Bibliographic comments:
Biographic comments: Of Lebanese descent.
Fire and Ice
< August 2016, 1st edition
Serial Box Publishing
ISBN 978-1-68210-087-5
• 'Book Burners' series #2.7.
Short fiction chapbooks