Кир Булычев | Kir Bulychev
Legal name: Можейко, Игорь Всеволодович
Canonical name: Bulychev, Kir
Birth place: Moscow, Russia
Birth date: 18 October 1934
Death date: 5 September 2003
Language: Russian
Bibliographic comments: Mozheyko’s original SF pseudonym, which he came up with in 1967, was “Kir. Bulychev”. “Kir.”
came from his wife’s first name, Kira, and Bulychev was his mother’s maiden name. Later on he dropped the period after
“Kir”, so it became “Kir Bulychev”. In the meantime, some of his publishers, both in the USSR and in other countries,
assumed that “Kir.” was a contraction of “Kirill”; for this reason many 1970s and1980s translations and some Russian
language editions appeared as by “Kirill Bulychev”.
Biographic comments:
Those Who Survive
< September 2009, 1st English language edition
Xlibris Corporation / Fossicker Press
ISBN 0-7388-1560-8
Hardcover, 384 pages
• Collection of 'Dr. Pavlysh' stories.
• Translated by John H. Costello.
Fiction: Those Who Survive // Pass

Half a Life
< 1978, 1st English language edition
Collier Books
ISBN 0-02-017850-6
Trade paperback, x+142 pages
• Introduction by Theodore Sturgeon.
• Translated by Helen Saltz Jacobson.
Fiction: Half a Life // I Was the First to Find You // Protest // May I Please Speak to Nina? // Red Deer, White Deer
// Snowmaiden // The First Layer of Memory

Gusliar Wonders
< June 1983, 1st English language edition
ISBN 0-02-518010-X
Hardcover, 228 pages
• Collection of 'Gusliar' stories.
• Translated by Roger DeGaris.
• 'Introduction' is an in-universe fictional introduction, closer to a story than to an essay.
Fiction: Introduction // Wunderbaby // Don't Make the Wizard Mad // Reason in Captivity // Help Needed // A Mine
of Information // Who Can Say? // The Personal Touch // Flowers // Professor Kozarin's Crown // If It Hadn't Been
for Mikhail // Tale of the Turnip // A Difficult Child // Vyachik, Don't Touch // A Summer Morning // The Dedication
of Ananda's Temple
Alice: the Girl from Earth
< 2001, English language edition
Xlibris Corporation / Fossicker Press
ISBN 1-4010-1312-0
Trade paperback, 501 pages
• Collection of 'Alice' stories.
• Translated by John H. Costello.
• Illustrated by Yevgeniy Migunov.
Fiction: The Little Girl Nothing Ever Happens To // Alice's Travels // Alice's Birthday // The Rusty Field-Marshall