Anthology series: The Gollancz Book of South Asian Science Fiction
Editor: Tarun K. Saint
Language: English
Bibliographic comments: Reissued in the UK by Gollancz in June 2021 as New Horizons: The Gollancz Book of South
The Gollancz Book of South Asian Science Fiction
Tarun K. Saint, ed.
< February 2019, 1st edition
Hachette India
ISBN 978-93-88322-05-8
Hardcover, 424 pages
• 'Foreword: Spice-ship to Infinity' by Manjula Padmanabhan, 'Introduction: SF Matters: South Asian Futures to Come'
by Tarun K. Saint.
• 'Planet of Terror', 'The Dream' and 'Why the War Ended' translated from the Bengali by Arunava Sinha.
• 'Inspector Matadeen on the Moon' translated from the Hindi by C. M. Naim.
• 'Stealing the Sea' translated from the Urdu by Syed Saeed Naqvi.
• 'The Twenty-Second Century' translated from the Hindi by Maya Joshi (excerpts from Baisvin Sadi).
• Interior art by Manjula Padmanabhan.
• Re-released in the UK in June 2021 as New Horizons: The Gollancz Book of South Asian Science Fiction.
Fiction: Adrish Bardhan, Planet of Terror // Harishankar Parsai, Inspector Matadeen on the Moon // Asif Aslam
Farrukhi, Stealing the Sea // Mimi Mondal, The Sea Sings at Night // Rahul Sankrityayan, The Twenty-Second
Century // Anil Menon, Shit Flower // Shovon Chakraborty, The Man Who Turned Into Ghandi // Tarun K. Saint,
A Visit to Partition World // Priya Sarukkai Chabria, Dreaming of the Cool Green River // Clark Prasad,
Mirror-Rorrim // Manjula Padmanabhan, Flexi-Time // Payal Dhar, The Other Side // Sami Ahmad Khan, 15004
// Premendra Mitra, Why the War Ended // Chandrashekhar Sastry, The Beneficient Brahma // Giti Chandra, The
Goddess Project // Mohammad Salman, The Last Tiger // Rimi B. Chatterjee, A Night with the Joking Clown //
Muhammed Zafar Iqbal, The Dream // Rukmini Bhaya Nair, Anandna // Nur Nasreen Ibrahim, We Were Never
Here // Keki N. Daruwalla, The Narrative of Naushirwan Shavaksha Sheikh Chilli // S. B. Divya, Looking Up //
Vandana Singh, Reunion
Poetry: Somendra Singh Kharola, Chernobyl // Kaiser Haq, Seventy Years After Seventy Years After Partition //
Sumita Sharma, Moksha // Arjun Rajendran, Were It Not For
The Gollancz Book of South Asian Science Fiction, Volume 2
Tarun K. Saint, ed.
< September 2021, 1st edition
Hachette India
ISBN 978-93-91028-62-6
Hardcover, 488 pages
• Graphic preface and afterword by Manjula Padmanabhan, Introduction 'South Asian Science Fiction and Fantasy:
Carving New Spaces in Time' by Tarun K. Saint.
Fiction: Shiv Ramdas, And Now His Lordship Is Laughing // Medha Singh, Jupiter, Dark Sister // Tashan Mehta,
The Traveller // Muhammed Zafar Iqbal, The Zoo // Vajra Chandrasekera, The Maker of Memorials // Senaa
Ahmad, The Glow-in-the-Dark Girls // Manjula Padmanabhan, The Pain Merchant // Arjun Raj Gaind, The Ministry
of Relevance // Jayaprakash Satyamurthy, Dimensions of Life Under Fascism // Soham Guha, The Song of Ice //
Lavanya Lakshminarayan, Goodbye Is the Shape of a Palm Pressed to the Sky // Kehkashan Khalid, Almost
Human // Bina Shah, Looney Ka Tabadla // Anil Menon, Paley's Watch // Aparna Ramachandran, Elsewhere //
Jayant V. Narlikar, Gift of the Angels // Vandana Singh, A Different Sea // Gautam Bhatia, The List // Kaiser Haq,
2020-NKARV // Kalsang Yangzom, The Crossing // Gita Chandra, A Species of Least Concern // Haris A. Durrani,
Champollion's Foot // Usman T. Malik, Resurrection Points // Salik Shah, Shambala // Yudhanjaya Wijeratne,
Confessor // Priya Sarukkai Chabria, Scavenger // Sami Ahmad Khan, Biryani Bagh // Shovon Choudhury,
Malini // Sukanya Datta, The Midas Touch // Premee Mohamed, The Arrival of the New World // Navin
Weeraratne, The Diamond Library // Saad Z. Hossain, Bring Your Own Spoon