Anthology series: Nature Futures
Editors (alphabetically listed): Henry Gee | Colin Sullivan
Language: English
Bibliographic comments:
Futures from Nature
Henry Gee, ed.
Library edition: November 2008, 1st edition
ISBN 978-0-7653-1806-0
Trade paperback, 320 pages
• Introduction 'Nostalgia for the Future' by Henry Gee.
• Relevant contents are highlighted in white or linked in blue.
Fiction: Brian Aldiss, Cognitive Ability and the Light Bulb // Gilles Amon, Don't Imitate // Neal Asher, Check Elastic
Before Jumping // Nate Balding, Twenty2 // Stephen Baxter, Under Martian Ice // Barrington J. Bayley, Party
Smart Card // Greg Bear, RAM Shift Phase 2 // Gregory Benford, A Life with a Semisent // Lucy Bergman,
Damned If You Don't // David Berreby, The Punishment Fits the Crime // Tobias S. Buckell, Toy Planes // J. Casti,
A Concrete Example // Arthur Chrenkoff, The Aching of Dion Harper // Arthur C. Clarke, Improving the
Neighborhood // Jack Cohen, Omphalosphere: New York 2057 // Ron Collins, Picasso's Cat // Brenda Cooper,
My Grandfather's River // Kathryn Cramer, Sandcastles: A Dystopia // Jeff Crook, Adam's Hot Dogs at the End of
the World // Penelope Kim Crowther, The Party's Over // Roland Denison, Transport of Delight // Paul Di Filippo,
The Perfect Lover // Cory Doctorow, Printcrime // David Eagleman, A Brief History of Death Switches // Greg
Egan, Only Connect // Warren Ellis, At the Zoo // Michael Garrett Farrelly, The Liquidators // John M. Ford, In the
Days of the Comet // James Alan Gardner, Ars Longa, Vita Brevis // Henry Gee, Are We Not Men? // John Gilbey,
It Never Rains in VR // Jim Giles, Gordy Gave Me Your Name // Hiromi Goto, Nostalgia // Nicola Griffith, Spawn
of Satan? // Jon Courtenay Grimwood, Take Over // Eileen Gunn, Speak, Geek // Joe Haldeman, Heartwired //
Peter F. Hamilton, The Forever Kitten // Harry Harrison, The Road to the Year 3000 // Jeff Hecht, Operation Tesla
// Fredric Heeren, Making the Sale // Tom Holt, Subpoenaed in Syracuse // Nalo Hopkinson, Men Sell Not Such in
Any Town // Gwyneth Jones, Total Internal Reflection // Ellen Klages, Ringing Up Baby // Jim Kling, Semi-
Autonomous // Nancy Kress, Product Development // Larissa Lai, I Love Liver: A Romance // Geoffrey A. Landis,
Avatars in Space // David Langford, Comp.Basilisk FAQ // Reinaldo José Lopes, Gathering of the Clans // Ian R.
MacLeod, Taking Good Care of Myself // Ken MacLeod, Undead Again // Elisabeth Malartre, Words, Words,
Words // David Marusek, My Morning Glory // Neil Mathur, Don't Mention the "F" Word // Paul McAuley, Meat //
Jack McDevitt, The Candidate // Vonda N. McIntyre, A Modest Proposal for the Perfection of Nature // Donna
McMahon, The Republic of George's Island // Robert A. Metzger, The Stars My Incarnation // Paul Steven Miller,
The Computiful Game // Syne Mitchell, Oscar Night, 2054 // Michael Moorcock, The Visible Men // Oliver Morton,
The Albian Message // Euan Nisbet, Photons Do Not Lie // Salvador Nogueira, Stranger in the Night // Gareth
Owens, Tick-Tock Curly-Wurly // Ashley Pellegrino, Daddy's Slight Miscalculation // Frederik Pohl, Brain Drain //
Mike Resnick, Great Unreported Discoveries No. 163 // Alastair Reynolds, Feeling Rejected // Peter Roberts, The
Trial of Jeremy Owens // Kim Stanley Robinson, Prometheus Unbound, At Last // Justina Robson, Dreadnought
// Benjamin Rosenbaum, Falling // Rudy Rucker, Panpsychism Proved // Robert J. Sawyer, The Abdication of
Pope Mary III // Catherine H. Shaffer, The Charge-Up Man // Biren Shah, From the Desk of Jarrod Foster //
Robert Silverberg, Pluto Story // Dan Simmons, Madame Bovary, C'est Moi // Joan Slonczewski, Tuberculosis
Bacteria Join UN // Paul Smaglik, For He on Honeydew Hath Fed... // Norman Spinrad, A Man of the Theater //
Bruce Sterling, Ivory Tower // Ian Stewart, Play it Again, Psam // Charles Stross, MAXO Signals // Igor Teper,
Golden Year // Scarlett Thomas, Paratext // Joan D. Vinge, Murphy's Cat // Vernor Vinge, Win a Nobel Prize! //
Theo von Hohenheim, A Leap of Faith // Ian Watson, Nadia's Nectar // Matt Weber, Statler Pulchrifex // Scott
Westerfeld, All Is Not Lost // Ian Whates, The Key // Heather M. Whitney, The Godmother Protocols // Robert
Charles Wilson, The Great Good-bye // K. Erik Ziemelis, Pigs on the Wing
Nature Futures 2
Henry Gee, Colin Sullivan, eds.
< September 2014, 1st edition
ISBN 978-1-4668-7998-0
• Introduction 'When Destiny Calls' by Colin Sullivan.
• Relevant contents are linked in blue.
Fiction: S. R. Algernon, A Pocket Full of Phlogiston // Madeline Ashby, The Chair // Neal Asher, Recoper // Tony
Ballantyne, The Cleverest Man in the World // Barrington J. Bayley, Formic Gender Disorder // Elizabeth Bear,
Annie Webber // Jacey Bedford, The Loneliness of the Long-Distance Panda // Anatoly Belilovsky, Gifts of the
Magi // Gregory Benford, Caveat Time Traveller // David Berreby, Eating with Integrity // Ananyo Bhattacharya,
Expectancy Theory // David G. Blake, To My Father // Polenth Blake, War of the Roses // Keith Brooke, likeMe //
Eric Brown, In the Recovery Room // Tobias Buckell, The Universe Reef // Steve Carper, A Kiss Isn't Just a Kiss
// Sarah K. Castle, Life, Abundant and with Simple Joy // Priya Chand, Reach for the Stars // Brenda Cooper, Tea
with Jillian // Robert Nathan Correll, Squealer // Elizabeth Counihan, Acting Up // Kathryn Cramer, You, in
Emulation // T. F. Davenport, Jenna's Clocks // Sean Davidson, High on the Hog // Robert Dawson, Pop-ups //
Paul Di Filippo, The Omniplus Ultra // Joe Dunckley, The Gower Street Cuckoos // Peter J. Enyeart, Transmission
Received // Dan Erlanson, A Perfect Drug // Ronald D. Ferguson, Words and Music // Simon Quellen Field,
Recursion // John Frizell, Non-Skid // John Gilbey, Corrective Action // David W. Goldman, Health Tips for
Traveller // Dan Gollub, The Chess Players // John Grant, Buzz Off // Richard P. Grant, Man of Steel // Preston
Grassmann, Midnight in the Cathedral of Time // Lee Hallison, The Best of Us // Nye Joell Hardy, Press '1' to
Begin // Merrie Haskell, Fine-Tuning the Universe // Martin Hayes, Me Am Petri // Jeff Hecht, Event Horizon //
Tania Hershman, The Perfect Egg // Ken Hinckley, The Ostracons of Europa // Joses Ho, Her Name Was Jane //
Taik Hobson, Midnight at the A&E // Kerstin Hoppenhaus, Trying to Let Go // Gareth D. Jones, World Wire Web
// Rahul Kanakia, Ted Agonistes // James Patrick Kelly, Shoppers // Swapna Kishore, The Problem of Junior //
David Langford, Warez // Susan Lanigan, Stay Special // Tanith Lee, Dead Yellow // Shelly Li, A Good Time //
Jessica May Lin, Mortar Flowers // Marissa Lingen, The Stuff We Don't Do // Ken Liu, Monkeys // Clayton Locke,
A Game of Self-Deceit // Steve Longworth, Succussion // Michael W. Lucht, After Experiment Seven // Nick
Mamatas, Escapism // David Marusek, Hard Man to Surprise // William Meikle, Twitterspace // Mark W. Moffett,
Picnic with Ants // John Moran, Be Swift, My Darling // Neale Morison, Can of Wormholes // Anand Odhav
Naranbhai, George and Priti // Gareth Owens, Frog in a Bucket // Conor Powers-Smith, For Your Information //
João Ramalho-Santos, Invisible // Mike Resnick, A Better Mousetrap // Jennifer Rohn, The Pair-Bond Imperative
// H. E. Roulo, Immeasurable // Alex Shvartsman, The Rumination on What Isn't // Amber D. Sistla, Unglued //
Mohamad Atif Slim, Out of the Blue // Matthew Sanborn Smith, Steve Sepp, Tasty! Tasty! // Norman Spinrad, The
Silver Bullet and the Golden Goose // Vaughan Stanger, Dark They Were, and Strange Inside // Philip T. Starks,
Survivors and Saviours // Ian Stewart, The Day We Made History // Eric James Stone, The Greatest Science-Fiction
Story Ever Written // Ian Randal Strock, 1-9-4-Blue-3-7-2-6-Gamma-Tetrahedron // Rachel Swirsky, Extremes //
Grace Tang, White Lies // Julian Tang, Expatriate // Adrian Tchaikovsky, 21st-Century Girl // Igor Teper, A
Sentence to Life // Joost Uitdehaag, Life in a Monastic Lab // William T. Vandemark, Let Slip the Dogs // Scott
Virtes, To All Sister Capsules // Deborah Walker, Glass Future // Ian Watson, The Drained World // Ian Whates, A
Piratical Sabbatical // Sylvia Spruck Wrigley, The Front Line // George Zebrowski, The Cambrian // Stephanie
Zvan, Here Be Monsters