Anthology: More Human Than Human
Editor: Neil Clarke
Language: English
Bibliographic comments:
More Human Than Human
Neil Clarke, ed.
< November 2017, 1st edition
Night Shade Books
ISBN 978-1-5978-0914-6
Trade paperback, xii+659 pages
• Introduction by Neil Clarke.
• 'The Djinn's Wife' is set in India.
• Relevant contents are highlighted in white.
Fiction: Elizabeth Bear, Dolly // Karin Lowachee, A Good Home // Ian McDonald, The Djinn's Wife // Robert B.
Finegold, M.D., And the Ends of the Earth for Thy Possession // JY Yang, Patterns of a Murmuration, in Billions of
Data Points // John Barnes, The Birds and the Bees and the Gasoline Trees // Jeff VanderMeer, Fixing Hanover //
Rachel Swirsky, Grand Jeté (The Great Leap) // Adam Christopher, Brisk Money // Fadzlishah Johanabas, Act of
Faith // Ken Liu, The Caretaker // Sandra McDonald, Seven Sexy Cowboy Robots // Sue Lange, We, Robots //
Madeline Ashby, The Education of Junior Number 12 // Xia Jia, A Hundred Ghosts Parade Tonight // Paul McAuley,
The Man // Brenda Cooper, The Robot's Girl // E. Catherine Tobler, .identity // Robert Reed, American Cheetah
// Naomi Kritzer, Artifice // Genevieve Valentine, Small Medicine // Catherynne M. Valente, Silently and Very Fast
// Cory Doctorow, I, Robot // Charles Stross, Bit Rot // Alastair Reynolds, Angels of Ashes // Lavie Tidhar, The
Old Dispensation // Martin L. Shoemaker, Today I Am Paul